During this unprecedented time, whether direct or indirect, we're all providing service to the residents of Calaveras County. Some of you are working from remote workstations as approved by your departments and others are performing critical duties in person. We honor your commitment to our citizens and co-workers. The work you do as a public servant is important, now more than ever!
This virus has turned the world upside down, adding many new stresses and additional responsibilities to your normal work and home life. It's okay that you may be feeling anxious or emotional. And it's okay to take care of your own mental and physical health. We ask everyone, employees and supervisors alike, to recognize that you all are attending to your own workloads, the needs of our residents/community, your physical and mental health, and your family needs all while receiving constant updates from federal, state and local officials on the ever-increasing number of cases and daily changes to regulations and physical distancing protocols. It can be overwhelming. Please remember that the County has an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) to help you and members of your household deal with the stress of this situation. Please visit CONCERN here.
We ask that you please show everyone (your supervisor, employees, and our public):
- Patience and Understanding
- Care and Compassion
- Flexibility

The County is committed to supporting our employees and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Any employee who is ill and needs medical attention should first call their medical provider who can provide specific guidance. For specific COVID-19 information on the County's health insurance provider Anthem Blue Cross, please click here.
If you aren't feeling well, please speak to your supervisor or manager and STAY HOME if you are sick. Talk to your medical provider about obtaining a medical certification, which will be helpful in obtaining any of the leaves available during this pandemic.